Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Reason Why Some People Cannot Lose Weight

By Jo Morgan

Some people, despite how hard they try, just cannot lose weight. They have tried all sorts of diets and grueling exercises but just can't seem to shed of that excess fat. Unfortunately, there are a number of metabolic processes that contribute to this and the sooner you treat them, the sooner you will begin to lose some real weight.

The first reason is nutritional deficiencies. When your body is lacking a certain mineral or vitamin, it will unconsciously crave for food that have those minerals and vitamins. The person experiencing will crave for these kinds of food, making it harder for him or her to lose weight. It is recommended to at least take a multivitamins everyday and make sure you eat a well-balanced diet.

Another thing that can contribute why you cannot lose weight is poor sleep. While we are asleep, our body triggers the production of growth hormones which in turn improves insulin sensitivity. This reduces the tendency of your body to make fat. Also our sleep affects our appetite controlling hormones called leptin and ghrelin. Despite what others say, I would still recommend you sleep at least 8-9 hours per day. This is just enough time our body needs in order to maintain a normal balance of hormones and others things.

Carnitine deficiency is also one of these factors. This forces your body to convert some calories into fat, making it impossible to actually lose fat. There are some products in the market that will help you treat this kind of deficiency. Simply take some carnitine daily and make sure to induce one for every meal.

Finally the last thing is yeast overgrowth. An increase in fungus actually contributes to both sugar cravings and weight gain. Some common symptoms of yeast overgrowth are gas, bloating, and diarrhea. It is advisable to visit your doctor if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms.

That covers all the metabolic reasons why your body sometimes cannot lose weight despite all your efforts. However, you must still remember that your success lies in your determination. You must try to resist all your cravings and other distractions when you want to lose fat. It is a long process but in the end, all your efforts will be worth it.

If you feel you cannot lose weight check out some tips and exercises on

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