Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Cost of Losing Weight

By Dan Buckner

We are so jazzed to lose weight that we, at times, are gullible and fall for every self-proclaimed diet guru on the Internet and blindly toss down our hard earned money, hoping and praying that this is finally the solution.

Here's where things get interesting, what are the costs of the trendy diets? The initial cost is to purchase the diet or join some program. Those early fees range from $30 or $40 for a book to several hundred dollars for a private course.

Next comes the food. Studies have exposed that the normal cost for food purchases, for each individual, is somewhat higher than $50, per week. Let's look at some examples, for the very popular South Beach Diet, add an extra $25 for every week. For Weight Watchers, the added cost is around $40, for Atkins around $50, for NutriSystems just under $60 and for Jenny Craig something like $80! Wow!

One would think that if you are cutting back on eating, you should be saving money. Right? However we don't approach weight loss logically, we set about the entire process via our emotions. That's what leads us to purchase things on impulse, to sign up for programs we know we'll in no way finish.

Skilled marketers know it and get paid very well to create 'traps' for which we often fall for. Have you ever called a 1-800 number at some point in one of those too good to be true infomercials merely to get something that doesn't perform as it did on TV? And what did you do with it? Probably stuck it in the back of a cupboard where it gathered dust until you finally trashed it, right?

When it comes to our weight, nothing peaks our emotions more. We want to be more eye-catching, more respected, and more desirable. We will even subject ourselves to agonizing and occasionally treacherous surgery to bring our reality closer to our ideal. And we will deprive our piggy banks, empty our bank accounts, and max our credit cards for anything that boasts us a sexy and slender future.

Every diet has their failures, but they never document that on their web sites or in the books. They might caution you that their program ought to be followed to the letter if it is to work, but how many of us can stay on a steadfast program for however long it is going to take to arrive at our ideal weight? We may well be creatures of habit however life very rarely cooperates for very long. We adapt the program to meet our immediate needs and everything falls apart.

Is there a better way? Let's look at it from another perspective. It doesn't matter which diet we choose. The secret is to concentrate on our emotions, that obsession with food that has reached disaster proportions. We have to change our eating habits and remember role that that food plays in our lives. It is to sustain a health life and not our primary source of self-satisfaction.

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