Thursday, August 20, 2009

Simple and Healthy Diet Meals

By Josie McEachern

If you're looking to speed up your weight loss, today I have some great diet meals for you to try. Everyone knows that the fastest way to drop pounds is through diet.

Diet works much fast than exercising.

The meals I'll offer taste great and will fill your stomach. Just finish reading this article if you want to get on the right road toward permanent weight loss.

Healthy Diet Meals

Scrambled eggs with chopped red peppers and half a can of black beans

This breakfast is just about as close to ideal as you can get. This is the breakfast I eat every morning. Maybe you are wondering what makes this a perfect meal. Well, I'll tell you.

It's packed with fiber and protein. Your body needs both protein and fiber. And this kind of breakfast will keep you feeling full way longer than a breakfast full of carbs.

Just one side note on the beans. You want to make sure you cook them before eating. You don't want to eat them uncooked.

Four ounce chicken breast with half a can of black beans on romaine lettuce

This is a great salad packed with protein. And it will definitely fill you up. You should also know this fact about protein and how it relates to your weight loss efforts. Protein naturally suppresses your appetite and speeds up your metabolism at the same time.

That's a huge point to remember even if you decide not to use these meals.

Broccoli with lean beef

This is a really good meal. Everyone should eat as much broccoli as they can. If you don't like eating broccoli on its own, you can try pouring a little sour cream or barbecue sauce over it.

Try eating any of these three diet meals and you'll start losing weight.

Josie McEachern enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. If you would like to find the best Garage Door Prices, all you have to do is visit .

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What Are Fat Binders?

By Jim Chase

A new method to lose weight used by diet supplements is called fat binders. Just what are fat binders and how do they work?

Fat binders have been around for centuries. In fact, nomadic tribes in the Sierra desert used these supplements, not to control fat intake, but to control their appetite. This was done in times of lean food supplies. So where did they get these fat supplements. Not at their local store, but from plants such as cacti and aloe vera. So you can see fat binders are naturally occurring.

How do they work? Well when a person takes a diet supplement that contains a fat binder, the fat binder acts like a lipohillic. A lipohillic literally means fat lover. The fat binder goes to the intestine, and attracts fat before the body absorbs it. The fat binder and the fat, it has attracted, are eliminated naturally through normal body functions.

Fat binders perform two functions in weight control. They suppress appetite and remove fat absorbed by the body. In one clinical study one supplement removed 28% of fat intake. Now if you are taking a fat binder you may not need to go on a low fat diet. In fact you may even be able to enjoy a beer while on your diet.

However I would not recommend it if you are serious about losing weight. To get to your goal faster, stay away from food that is detrimental to your diet. The other part of a good diet, is proper exercise. Do not forget it.

Learn which supplements have fat binders in them at Gone Fat
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The Best Exercise Guidelines For Losing Weight!

By Josie McEachern

If you are looking for the best exercise guidelines for losing weight, you've come to the right place. Acting on what I am about to tell will enable you to burn thousands more calories while cutting your total workout times by half.

No more marathon workouts at the gym that last an hour or more.

So, keep reading if you want to discover a new method for losing weight.

The Best Exercise Guideline For Losing Weight

Short, intense workout always beat long, easy workouts

Jogging for miles at one easy pace doesn't do a whole lot for losing weight. Maybe that comes as a revelation to you. It doesn't really give back what you put into it.

If you are used to jogging for half an hour, you could easily burn off way more calories if you ran as hard as you could for ten seconds and then walked for the following 50 seconds. You could repeat that cycle for a total exercise of 10 minutes.

Then you're done. Do this 4 times each week.

So, you'll only spend 40 minutes exercising the entire week. That's not much more than one day spent jogging for 30 minutes. And you only ran hard for 10 seconds for a total of ten times.

So, you only really ran hard for a total of less than two minutes the whole week!

I know you can do that!

If you do, I assure you that you will lose a bunch of weight very fast. You will also save quite a bit of time. Better weight loss results in less time. What a concept!

Don't do exercises where you have to lie down or sit. Only do standing exercises.

The body naturally does things best when it is standing up. The whole body gets involved in the exercise. And this makes for very efficient weight loss.

Whatever exercise you do, just make sure it is done while you are standing.

Follow those two easy exercise guidelines for losing weight and you'll be glad you did.

Josie McEachern enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. If you would like to find the best prices and styles for Custom Door Mats or a Personalized Door Mat just click either of the links.

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Weight Loss With Extreme Green Tea

By Jenny Jen

If you are trying to loose weight, then you will want to do it in a healthy way. Many people turn to fad diets, or deprive themselves in order to lose weight. Many of these people will find that they don't lose any weight, or that they lose the weight only to gain it back. When you are ready to lose your extra weight you will want to make sure that you do it in a way that will allow you to maintain or increase your health and in a way that will take the pounds off for good. Yo Yo dieting is not good for your health and it is not good fro your weight loss. You want to find something that works and keeps the weight off for good. This is where Extreme Green Tea comes in.

When you take Extreme Green Tea you will be giving your body a lot of health benefits that will help you to become a healthier person as you shed those extra pounds. Extreme Green Tea will help you to boost your metabolism, this is very important when you are trying to lose weight. Your metabolism is what helps you to burn calories and if your metabolism is slow then you will have to work much harder to burn calories. When you boost your metabolism you will have to work less to burn calories, this means that you will lose weight much faster.

Another great thing about taking Extreme Green Tea is that you will experience a boost to your energy level. This means that you will feel better throughout the day. You will also find it easier to exercise and take care of the things that you need to take care of. When you are trying to lose weight you will be surprised at how easier taking Extreme Green Tea can make your weight loss journey.

Read More Extreme Green Tea Reviews or Submit your own product reviews to win a $25 gift card. Go to

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About Low Carb Diets - Are They Worth It?

By Scotty McGee

It seems as though everybody gets into a low carb diet at some point. Many people have no idea whether or not they are worth it or not. In this article I will discuss the benefits as well as the downturns of dieting without carbs.

Low Carb Diet Benefits

Lowering carbs will lower insulin levels of the body. Less insulin in the body means fat can easily be burnt off.

Having a low carb diet and eating more protein and fats will result in the body burning more fat. By lowering carbs you are basically teaching your body to burn more fat. Remember carbs are sugars and stored in the body as energy so that means there is lees of a chance your body will store fat. When you don't use the energy carbs then turn as fat.

Low Carb Diet Cons

Now even though cutting carbs are great for losing fat there are some things you need to keep in mind if you are considering being on a ow carb diet. In some cases the body needs some carbohydrates so that it can function well. Your body needs to use energy so without having carbs in your system your glycogen levels will get depleted. This would not be good for those of you who work out. It makes your muscles not perform at an optimal level.

Lowering carbs will also cause a lower vitamin and fiber storage. It is hard to get fiber from foods that do not have carbs. There are many foods rich with carbs that hold vitamins and minerals your body needs for certain things. Whole grain foods are also rich with vitamins and fiber.

If you are trying to build muscle then I strongly suggest you keep eating carbs because it makes it very hard to gain muscle without a lot of energy to disperse. Lowering carbs will also result in lowered testosterone levels and you know what that does for muscle growth.

There are ways to take advantage of low carb diets while still consuming them so your body can still have a lot of energy. I do not personally recommend cutting carbs but what you can do is eat a moderate amount on days that you are exercising. You can cut them out on other days. You don't even need to keep track. Just know that you should avoid bread, pasta, and oatmeal on certain days. Try to get as much fiber as you can as well as vitamins and minerals. Also keep in mind that in order to lose fat you should cut calories that do not have to be from carb sources.

I recommend that you keeps carbs in your diet but avoid eating them in large amounts. Instead just eat no more than a serving at each meal. Like for dinner you can have a small sweet potato or a slice of whole wheat toast with breakfast in the morning. Another great tip is to mostly have carbs at the beginning of the day when you are more active. Have them before and after you work out or go to the gym.

Looking to shed some pounds? Check out my review of a diet program called strip that fat. Click on this link to read it. ---> Strip that Fat

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Shocking Truth! The Real Fat Causes!

By Lonny Amour

Sick and tired of being the fat one in your group?

Disgusted at yourself with how unsightly your body has become?

Fear not that you are alone! Millions of other persons just like yourself are desperate to regain their body back to a healthy and attractive weight.

Millions of other persons just like yourself are so sick and tired of trying all the fad diets out there that they are almost at the stage where they are literally ready to give up and just stay fat.

But alas! There is still hope left!

"What hope can there possibly be?" You may be thinking.
"I've tried just about every diet there is! And I'm still fat! I still have a horrible body! And you say there is still HOPE?" Yes, you read correctly. Infact, what I am about to tell you now may VERY WELL be the answer for your permanent weight loss. Infact, I would be very surprised if this were not the case.

Ok, let's get straight to the point. I assure you that your inability to lose weight is hardly, infact highly unlikely, caused by you eating too much, your lack of motivation to eat healthy or diet, the fact that you eat when you are stressed or upset, or whatever the reason you may think is causing you to be fat.

Even if you did stick to a diet, did it work for you? How did you find the 1,200 calorie diet? Most likely you felt immensely deprived. And what about the "weight-loss shakes?" Did you enjoy abstaining from one of life's most pleasurable indulgences day after day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and substituting it for a DRINK? I think I already know your answer.

You have probably already established the fact that diets just don't work. Congratulations! You are well on your way to becoming slim, lean and healthy.

You see, the reason why we become fat is because there is something sinister happening on the insides of our bodies. It is highly likely that you have deadly parasites breading inside your stomach, intestines and colon, causing to puff up, gain lots of weight, and frequently be sick.

So what you need to do in order to get that healthy, slim body you've always wanted is stop those deadly critters from breading inside of you. Only until you have done this will you ever be able to lose all of that horrible fat accumulating on your body.

Don't be blinded by the many diet myths out there in the weight-loss industry today. You need to take action now and regain your life back for good, without constantly feeling upset and depressed about your body. CLICK HERE to find out more about those nasty parasites inside of you and how you can get rid of them.

Article Source:!-The-Real-Fat-Causes!&id=2696556

Top 3 Ways to Trick Your Mind Into Weight Loss Forever

By Andrew Hamill

It's estimated that 80% of all people who quit a new weight loss of fitness regimen, quit within the first 60 days. Why is this? Why do we naturally return to the same habits and routines that doom our results every time? How can we stay disciplined and completely focused the whole way through?

The main reason why we never stick with anything or really put forth any effort is because there is a dispute between our conscious and sub- conscious minds and what they are focused on. The laws of the universe state that whatever you focus on expands in your life. Here are the 3 most important techniques that you can use to not only accelerate your progress, but to keep you fully invested and motivated on accomplishing that new you.

1. Never ever take your eye off the ball.

We get inspiration to lose weight from experiences in our life. Something happens that makes us look into ourselves and re think the way we should be living. We lose the inspiration to continue or even start because we go back to thinking about the usual garbage.
Make it a point to spend at least 10 minutes everyday visualizing yourself accomplishing your goal. Sit by yourself quietly with your eyes closed, and take long deep breathes until you are in complete relaxation. Then begin to paint a picture in your mind of you losing the weight or whatever your goal may be. It' s crucial to be detailed about the differences and to feel the emotions that you would presumably feel at that moment.

2. Sweep yourself off your feet.
When does it not feel good to get a compliment or praise from someone we trust, respect and we like? Never! In order to influence your mind to make the necessary habitual changes, you have to do a little sweet-talking to yourself.
Do this next step at least twice everyday for 5 minutes at a time. Go into a room alone and repeat to yourself over and over again, " Your looking stronger, younger and healthier everyday. "

3. Plan to reward yourself.
The most important reason why people never get anywhere in life in general is because they choose to go nowhere! Make a definite choice of what you want to change about your health or appearance and write it down.
Start with the big picture. What is your fitness goal in the next year? Whatever that goal happens to be, break it down into smaller and easier monthly goals. Then make a plan to reward yourself at the end of the year with something awesome. Cruise, vacation, sky diving, just think of something that will excite the hell out of you. Then plan smaller reward for each month that you accomplish your smaller goals. This way you can always look forward to each month and really stay motivated.

For more helpful tips on losing weight, check out:

Andrew Hamill

SAisFit Boot Camp


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The Cost of Losing Weight

By Dan Buckner

We are so jazzed to lose weight that we, at times, are gullible and fall for every self-proclaimed diet guru on the Internet and blindly toss down our hard earned money, hoping and praying that this is finally the solution.

Here's where things get interesting, what are the costs of the trendy diets? The initial cost is to purchase the diet or join some program. Those early fees range from $30 or $40 for a book to several hundred dollars for a private course.

Next comes the food. Studies have exposed that the normal cost for food purchases, for each individual, is somewhat higher than $50, per week. Let's look at some examples, for the very popular South Beach Diet, add an extra $25 for every week. For Weight Watchers, the added cost is around $40, for Atkins around $50, for NutriSystems just under $60 and for Jenny Craig something like $80! Wow!

One would think that if you are cutting back on eating, you should be saving money. Right? However we don't approach weight loss logically, we set about the entire process via our emotions. That's what leads us to purchase things on impulse, to sign up for programs we know we'll in no way finish.

Skilled marketers know it and get paid very well to create 'traps' for which we often fall for. Have you ever called a 1-800 number at some point in one of those too good to be true infomercials merely to get something that doesn't perform as it did on TV? And what did you do with it? Probably stuck it in the back of a cupboard where it gathered dust until you finally trashed it, right?

When it comes to our weight, nothing peaks our emotions more. We want to be more eye-catching, more respected, and more desirable. We will even subject ourselves to agonizing and occasionally treacherous surgery to bring our reality closer to our ideal. And we will deprive our piggy banks, empty our bank accounts, and max our credit cards for anything that boasts us a sexy and slender future.

Every diet has their failures, but they never document that on their web sites or in the books. They might caution you that their program ought to be followed to the letter if it is to work, but how many of us can stay on a steadfast program for however long it is going to take to arrive at our ideal weight? We may well be creatures of habit however life very rarely cooperates for very long. We adapt the program to meet our immediate needs and everything falls apart.

Is there a better way? Let's look at it from another perspective. It doesn't matter which diet we choose. The secret is to concentrate on our emotions, that obsession with food that has reached disaster proportions. We have to change our eating habits and remember role that that food plays in our lives. It is to sustain a health life and not our primary source of self-satisfaction.

Don't be afraid to take the first step to create a healthy, fit and slim body. It is so easy to do nothing, but it takes courage to change your life. So take that first step and get your free 'Six Pack Abs Revealed' report. It just may change your life forever. Click Here for your free report.

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The Reason Why Some People Cannot Lose Weight

By Jo Morgan

Some people, despite how hard they try, just cannot lose weight. They have tried all sorts of diets and grueling exercises but just can't seem to shed of that excess fat. Unfortunately, there are a number of metabolic processes that contribute to this and the sooner you treat them, the sooner you will begin to lose some real weight.

The first reason is nutritional deficiencies. When your body is lacking a certain mineral or vitamin, it will unconsciously crave for food that have those minerals and vitamins. The person experiencing will crave for these kinds of food, making it harder for him or her to lose weight. It is recommended to at least take a multivitamins everyday and make sure you eat a well-balanced diet.

Another thing that can contribute why you cannot lose weight is poor sleep. While we are asleep, our body triggers the production of growth hormones which in turn improves insulin sensitivity. This reduces the tendency of your body to make fat. Also our sleep affects our appetite controlling hormones called leptin and ghrelin. Despite what others say, I would still recommend you sleep at least 8-9 hours per day. This is just enough time our body needs in order to maintain a normal balance of hormones and others things.

Carnitine deficiency is also one of these factors. This forces your body to convert some calories into fat, making it impossible to actually lose fat. There are some products in the market that will help you treat this kind of deficiency. Simply take some carnitine daily and make sure to induce one for every meal.

Finally the last thing is yeast overgrowth. An increase in fungus actually contributes to both sugar cravings and weight gain. Some common symptoms of yeast overgrowth are gas, bloating, and diarrhea. It is advisable to visit your doctor if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms.

That covers all the metabolic reasons why your body sometimes cannot lose weight despite all your efforts. However, you must still remember that your success lies in your determination. You must try to resist all your cravings and other distractions when you want to lose fat. It is a long process but in the end, all your efforts will be worth it.

If you feel you cannot lose weight check out some tips and exercises on

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Weight Loss Surgery Guide

By Barry Lycka

The latest still in the weight loss industry for surgery is the Gastric Bypass surgery. This surgery has been around for years and has had many success rates. What is Gastric Bypass surgery? The latest weight loss surgery has been a talk of controversy and success for many years. There are many advantages and disadvantages to this surgery to consider. Gastric Bypass surgery is described as a surgery which enables the food you eat to bypass your small intestine causing your stomach to become smaller. The amount of food you intake is diminished and you feel full after a small portion. There are different names of this procedure.

The advantages of Gastric Bypass surgery are many. One advantage in particular is that you loose weight at a fast rate. This diminishes your chances of having diabetes, high blood pressure, or other harmful conditions. When our body loses weight quickly, our health increases at a rapid rate. This process can boost our self-esteem and give us a new outlook on our lives. With the Gastric Bypass surgery, your self-esteem will allow you to have more excitement to life.

The disadvantages that cause the latest weight loss surgery to have much controversy are that it can cause death. For those few who have not followed the plan to the very last detail, they have paid the price with their lives. The Gastric Bypass surgery diet plan is strict and doesn't leave room for slip ups. Not all who slip up die, but depending on your body, you can injure yourself rather greatly. This is not a chance that you should want to gamble with. Your life is precious. You wouldn't go through with the surgery if you didn't think that for yourself.

Whatever your decision is to this surgery, be sure that you know all there is to the surgery before making that appointment. There are several tests that are given to potential surgery patients. This is the good thing about this surgery. The doctors performing the surgery care for the patient's mental health instead of performing the surgery for the money. In any cosmetic or needed surgery that alters the body, doctors today are more concerned about their patient's mental status before the procedure. Gastric Bypass surgery is not for everyone. Get to know the procedure and you will find out if it the best for you. Consulting your primary care physician in all of your decisions enables you to get informed answers to your questions.

Dr. Barry Lycka is president of The # 1 Source of Daily Life Advice

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Acai Berry Supreme Weight Loss + the Benefits of Acai Berry

By Peter Skotnicky

Losing weight can be hard, whether it is 10 pounds or 50 pounds. If you are trying to lose weight and are undecided on products that are offered over the counter, on the internet, and on television then consider Acai Berry. Read about the health benefits and the advantages of Acai Berry Supreme Weight loss.

What is Acai Berry?

It's important to know what these berries are before you decide to take them. The history of the Acai comes from the natives and can date back centuries. The natives believed that it had something to do with looking young and staying healthy. It is well known for antioxidants as well as Omega 6 and Omega 9 and Amino Acids.

This berry is well known for its deep purple color, and the taste of the berry is a combination of berries and chocolate. Even though it is packed full of wonderful vitamins and minerals you won't know it by taking the pill.

Acai can come in several forms; raw berries, capsules, pills and juice.

The Benefits of Acai Berry

There are several benefits to using Acai. So how can this berry help you lose weight? It's more than just a weight loss berry. It makes your entire system healthier in so many ways. To begin with, there is a large amount of antioxidants that work in this berry to help slow down aging prematurely. The Acai can increase digestive health as well as cardiovascular health. Acai Berries can help you recover from illnesses faster. It can increase circulation too. You will experience an increase in energy. There are several positive benefits to taking Acai Berry.

Weight loss can be achieved in a more natural way when you use Acai Berry. Acai Berry supreme weight loss products are full of nutritional ingredients. These Acai berry capsules are packed full of calcium, amino acids, minerals, iron, potassium, and vitamins B1, B3, E and vitamin C.

In some cases, Acai can help to fight cancer cells in your body to help prevent cancer cells from forming and growing.

Diabetes is a growing disease, but studies have shown that if a diabetic consumes the right amount of Acai they can reduce the effects of diabetes. If you don't have diabetes you can reduce the chances of developing this disease by taking Acai berry.

Losing weight can be hard to do when you are trying to lose on your own. Acai Berry supreme weight loss can't happen overnight, but if you take the pill on a regular schedule you should feel and see a difference in less than 30 days from the day you start.

It's always a good idea to do your research before you start taking anything, especially if you are under a doctors' care for high blood pressure, Hypothyroidism and more. With your doctor's advice and Acai - Berry you should lose the weight that you want and still maintain your health. Because Acai berry is all natural you shouldn't have any more side effects than if you ate too much fruit.

Do not waste your time with fad diets and harsh chemicals that are common in other weight loss supplements and suggestions try a super food that promotes health and weight loss at the same time.

The acai berry challenge transforms ordinary men and women into extraordinary success stories. Millions of people have started using acai berry in order to lose weight with proven results.

Learn more about acai berry benefits and tackle your weight loss goals today by visiting for more information so you can join millions in the acai berry challenge.

Peter SkotnickyArticle Source:

The Mathematics Behind Losing Weight

By Carolyn Rachel Smith

The secret of weight loss is not a secret at all - it is all in the math. If you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight, if you ingest more calories then you work off you gain it. A healthy body weight relies on balancing income and out go of calories.

So here is the math:

One must burn an extra 3,500 calories from what they ingest to lose a pound fat. Sound like a lot doesn't it? Well really, it isn't that much, and it actually doesn't take an extreme amount of effort to create a 3,500 caloric deficit. If you can cut 250-500 calories out of your diet on a daily basis, and expend an extra 500 calories through some type of exercise, you will easily be able to shed a pound a week if not two.

If you only lose a pound a week, you will lose 4 pounds a month, eight pounds in two months, twelve the next, Etc.

If you loose two pounds in a week, you can lose up to 24 pounds in three months.

All of the weight loss programs use these numbers to help you lose weight. By buying their food, they simply make it easier to consume the proper amount of calories without thinking about it. And they will always suggest that you exercise.

Speaking of exercise, here is the math on that:

  • Walking for an hour burns 200-250 calories approx.
  • Bicycling for and hour burns 500-600 calories approx.
  • Rollerblading for and hour burns 800-820 calories approx.
  • Swimming for an hour burns 500-550 approx.

The above calorie burning depends on weight. If you weigh more than 150 lbs these activities will burn more weight. If you weigh less than 150 lbs you will burn less.

Doing any one of the above exercises for even a half an hour can burn from 100 to 400 calories.

See, burning 500 calories a day is really not that hard if you try it, and the results can be astounding.

Now lets get to the food part:

Substituting low calorie foods for high calorie ones can be quite easy, you just have to do it:

  • Fat free milk: 80 Cal
  • Low fat milk (2%): 138 Cal
  • Whole Milk: 160 Cal
Between fat free milk and whole milk, there is a difference of 80 calories. If you make a few small adjustments in your diet you can easily shave off 250 calories a day. Couple this with 250 calories burned through exercise, and you can easily cut 500 calories a day from your diet. But beware, there are a lot of surprising food choices that can pack on the calories.

If you are not sure how many calories are in a particular food, there are tons of calorie counters on the Internet. Here are just a few:

So, there it is. The mathematics of weight loss!

Find out more about women's fitness at:

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Drop 15 Lbs Of Annoying Fat in 2 Weeks - See Which Diet is the Most Effective to Lose Weight Fast!

By Avy Barnes

Have you tried everything under the sun to drop just 15 pounds but it just seems so frustrating and you're still not getting results? Well, take just 60 seconds out of your day to read this article and see which diet truly does work to lose weight fast and easy!

Alright, first things first. If you want to lose a lot of weight fast, please do so naturally. Unnatural methods such as fad dieting (low carb, low calorie, low fat, etc.) will cause your metabolism to slow down. If your metabolism decreases, you will end up with "yo-yo weight loss" and your body will RETAIN fat instead of allowing it to burn off!

Now, after close to 3 years of researching, the most effective diet I've found is the calorie shifting diet.

You'll be provided with a diet generator that will let YOU choose your favorite foods from a list of fat burning foods. Then it will generate your daily meal plan of 4 meals based off of your selections. The trick is that these 4 meals are created to elevate your fat burning hormones!

But what makes your metabolism really SKYROCKET to the maximum peak is the extremely powerful "shifting" technique that the diet will teach you about. When you combine this technique along with your fat burning meals, you will be dropping pounds of fat on autopilot!

My final conclusion after researching and using this fun, easy, and incredible diet is that you will not starve, you will not get cravings, and you will drop pounds consistently and permanently.

So, if you want to drop 15 pounds of fat in less than 3 weeks from today, then I highly recommend you tryout the calorie shifting diet.

Lose 15 Pounds and melt away fat in less than 3 WEEKS with the calorie shifting diet plan!

Click to read the full review of the calorie shifting diet and get started today!

Article Source:!&id=2780326

Can't Lose Belly Fat? Here Are the Reasons Why

By Irena Bocheva

A few years ago belly fat was associated with laziness, lack of proper diet and exercise regime, insufficient will power. Today many experts in the field of nutrition and dieting admit that there are many more additional factors that determine the size of our waist. In other words if you can't lose belly fat, it's not all your fault.

1 DNA -Whether you gain weight and where you gain weight is partially predetermined by your genetic information. Whether you are a toothpick or a blimp has a lot to do with your parental genetic material. Thus if your mother struggled with flabby arms and abdominal fat, chances are you will have similar problems. On the other hand if your dad had increased metabolism and lean structure, you could benefit from his genetic material.

2 Diet and exercise myths exposed-It is a myth that you can lose belly fat overnight if certain diet and exercise regime is followed religiously. Focus on long term goals instead. A two week diet and hectic workout will bring partial result, but they will never lead to the total body makeover that you wish. Losing belly fat and keeping it off requires a certain change of lifestyle.

3 Age is your enemy-Unfortunately the older you get, the more effort you have to put in keeping your" girlish figure". Every decade after your 20s marks a profound drop in your metabolic rate. So if you had a thin waist when you were in your 20s, don't take it for granted. More than likely you would have to start counting calories and working out if you want to keep your tummy flat.

4 Forget about spot reducing. People that need to lose only stomach weight, start focusing on doing crunches, sit-ups, side bents etc. Concentrating on the abdominal area only will never bring the desired results. Let's not forget that your body is a complex mechanism where every part is connected. A balanced diet and workout approach is needed if you want to lose belly fat.

5 Reduce stress and cortisol if you want to get any results. More and more diet experts are talking about the effect of stress and cortisol on your body. As it turns out the more we diet, the more cortisol is secreted by the adrenal gland. This, in turn, means more abdominal fat and increased blood sugar. In order to diet successfully, you have to block the effects of cortisol. Otherwise your dieing attempts are doomed to fail.

If it seems that you can't lose belly fat, the fault might not be entirely yours. And while there is not much you can do about genetics and age, proper diet, exercise, stress and cortisol are certainly areas you can work on if you want to get a flat tummy.

Author: Irena Bocheva

Click on the link above and learn about the best cortisol blockers available on the market.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Rotate "Carbs" for Rapid Fat Loss

By Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter

Millions of people have tried both “low-carb” and “no-carb” approaches in an attempt to lose weight quickly. But few have tried a much safer and healthier approach known as Carb Rotation. It is a much more effective and realistic method of rapid fat loss.

There are two general approaches to Carb Rotating. The first approach is to follow a “no, no, no, high carb” program. This means you would eat no carbohydrates at all for the first three days and then eat a “high” amount of carbohydrates on for the fourth day. The fifth day you are back to eating “no carbs” again.

This plan can be effective, but you have to be very strict. It is an aggressive approach that may trigger your starvation response. Yes, the very same starvation response which causes elevation of a hormone called lipoprotein lipase. When this hormone becomes elevated your metabolism begins to slow down. And since that is the last thing anyone who is trying to get rid of unwanted pounds wants, it is not the approach I recommend.

Additionally, when people deprive themselves completely of “carbs” for three days they have a tendency to:

1) Go completely overboard with carbohydrate consumption on the fourth day of the rotation.

2) Not be able to go back to the three days of carbohydrate deprivation resulting in failure of the program.

The much more common sense approach is to follow a “high, low, no carb” program. There is much more room for error with this type of plan. It is much easier to follow and leads to much greater success.

Rotating your “carbs” in this manner allows you to shed fat and keep your metabolism elevated, which is the key to long term weight loss. There is a consistent transition with a “high, low, no” approach because every fourth day you repeat the cycle and you aren’t depriving yourself of “carbs” for three days straight. And again: potentially triggering the elevation of lipoprotein lipase.

We tend to eat too many “carbs”, we eat improper “carbs” and we don’t eat enough protein in our diet. But by following the guidelines laid out in a “high, low, no carb” program we are manipulating the blood sugars and insulin response in our body to achieve rapid of fat loss. Rotating Carbs allows you to control and manipulate your blood sugars and insulin response so you are allowing your body to burn more calories for energy instead of storing “carbs” as fat. This means you are shedding fat and increasing your metabolism. Two very good things!

Click here for more fast easy weight loss tips and how to lose fat.

Jayson Hunter RD, CSCS is the author of the "30 Day Belly Fat Blaster Meal Plan Program". To discover how to eat healthier and lose weight fast CLICK HERE!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why and How You Should Implement Intermittent Fasting Into Your Workout Regime

By Brad Pilon, MS

Click Here to see Brad’s WEB-site

You may not even have heard yet about intermittent fasting and the benefits thereof. In fairness it is a relatively new way of looking at fasting and it's possible uses, so let's take a few moments and examine why intermittent fasting is quickly becoming a valuable element in your weight loss/fat loss arsenal.

Many of us know fasting as something that has religious and/or spiritual applications, or perhaps as a political statement or tool. (Almost always a bad idea!) However you've thought of fasting in the past, it may be time to look at it in a new way. Intermittent fasting has evolved into a useful way to cut your caloric intake and still maintain energy and strength enough to workout and get stronger, and in general become more fit.

An intermittent fast can be defined as one in which the person fasting abstains from everything but water for a period of 24 hours, one to two times per week. This definition serves those who would use this as a tool in their weight loss routine, and still be able to workout. Think of the benefits of exercising a full two days worth of calories from your diet, and still be burning them up at a high rate simultaneously. Sounds attractive, eh?

Now, employing a fast once or twice a week and then using the remaining days to practice for eating contests won't cut it. You need to practice restraint and employ a sensible eating plan for those days, but all in all, most people report that the urge to pig out isn't as strong as they thought it would be.

One of the biggest benefits of doing intermittent fasting as a part of your workout program is that studies have shown that not only is your energy NOT diminished, but it actually seems to be enhanced, and your metabolism isn't reduced but clearly further stoked up. This is the primary complaint among people who would use a traditional fast. They would no longer have the gas left in their tank to work out, and while they'd lose weight, often it would be muscle mass, which sort of defeats the purpose.

When starting out with intermittent fasting, make sure you start out easy, getting your body used to skipping a day once a week, then perhaps two. Also take it slow when working out during this transition time, until you start to feel as though you're able to take a full load in your workout program. This won't take long, and in fact will leave you hungering for more, and I don't mean food!

If you're seeking a way to accelerate your fat loss and still keep working out, then you need to take a good look at intermittent fasting. You may be pleased at just how effective it can be at painlessly reducing your caloric intake while at the same time allowing you sufficient energy to complete your workouts!


Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over eight years experience working in the nutritional supplement industry specializing in clinical research management and new product development. Brad has completed graduate studies in nutritional sciences specializing in the use of short term fasting for weight loss.

His trademarked book Eat Stop Eat has been featured on national television and helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat without sacrificing the foods they love. For more information on Eat Stop Eat, Click Here

Monday, March 23, 2009

Starvation Mode Doesn’t Exist

By Brad Pilon, MS

Click Here to see Brad’s WEB-site

The theory of Starvation Mode is something that fuels Obsessive Compulsive Eating in North America and throughout the world.

To use a very basic definition, Starvation mode is when your metabolism supposedly slows down when you don’t eat enough calories. More often than not this definition is used to support very complex diet programs.

These diets will tell you that not eating enough food will cause you to store more fat. Right after delivering this pseudo-science message of fear they then tell you the only solution is to keep eating, and here is the catch, you must eat the special foods they recommend.

This is just another example of fear mongering and confusion created by the food, diet and supplement industry that ultimately leads to obsessive compulsive eating.

They are actually trying to tell you that eating less food won’t help you lose weight, and in fact might actually cause you to gain weight - Fear mongering at its best.

The truth is a large body of scientific research shows you can eat very low calories for extended periods of time with no change in your metabolism and, no decrease in muscle mass, as long as you do some form of resistance training (I cover a large part of this research in Eat Stop Eat).

This is one of the major reasons why so many people are afraid that eating too much food or too little food will have a negative effect on their metabolism.

In my opinion the scientific research is clear, you can eat very low calorie for an extended period of time. As long as you do some weight training the only thing that is going to happen is an impressive amount of fat loss.

And if the existing body of research wasn’t enough to convince you, here is more proof that you can lose significant amounts of weight without losing muscle mass or damaging your metabolism as long as you are using resistance training as part of your weight loss plan.

In a study just published in the Journal of Obesity, researchers examined the effects of losing 25 pounds on 94 women who either

A) Followed a resistance training workout program

B) Followed an aerobic training program

C) Did not workout at all

These women were asked to follow a diet consisting of 800 Calories until they reduced their BMI down to less than 25 (The average 25 pounds of weight loss). The women continued this diet for as long as 5 months straight (not something I would personally recommend without being medically monitored).

The researchers found that the women who were following the resistance training workout program maintained their Fat Free Mass during the time they were on the diet. This means that even though they lost 25 pounds they were able to preserve their muscle mass. Therefore all 25 pounds that these women lost was fat!

They also found the group of women who were following the resistance training workout program preserved their metabolic rate. In other words they did not see any metabolic “slow down” as a result of losing 25 pounds, or from being on a 800 Calorie per day diet for 5 months!

Interestingly, the researchers found decreases in Fat Free Mass in the women who did not workout AND in the women who performed aerobic training.

More evidence that resistance training while following a weight reducing diet program can preserve lean mass and metabolic rate.

This is yet another example of why the Eat Stop Eat combination of flexible intermittent fasting and resistance training can help you lose fat without losing muscle or lowering your metabolism.


Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over eight years experience working in the nutritional supplement industry specializing in clinical research management and new product development. Brad has completed graduate studies in nutritional sciences specializing in the use of short term fasting for weight loss.

His trademarked book Eat Stop Eat has been featured on national television and helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat without sacrificing the foods they love. For more information on Eat Stop Eat, Click Here

Saturday, March 21, 2009

10 Signs that your Diet Promotes Obsessive Compulsive Eating

By Brad Pilon, MS
Click Here to visit Brad's WEB-site

It was back on March 12 of 2007 that I first wrote about the now famous A to Z weight loss trial (you can see my original blog post here

In this ground breaking study, 311 overweight women were recruited to follow one of the following popular diet programs: The Atkins Diet, The Zone Diet, the LEARN diet or the Ornish Diet.

To start the study, each woman was given a copy of the popular diet book that she was randomly assigned to follow.

Then, to make sure she was an “expert” on her program before she started dieting, each woman attended a series of 8 classes (each lasting an hour) explaining exactly how to follow her assigned diet.

(Side note- This just shows how OCE these diets are considering that it takes EIGHT classes for these women to know how to properly follow each diet!)

After the courses were completed the women then set off to follow their assigned diet plan for a total of 1 year.

The results were pretty much exactly what I expected – everybody lost a lot of weight in the first two months, after that the diets tended to even out and by the end of the trial the weight loss was far from impressive – none of the groups averaged more than 10 pounds of weight loss after an entire year of dieting.

And while many people used this study to ‘prove’ that diets simply didn’t work, or that the body somehow adapted to dieting, my take was much simpler – Firstly, this trial is in agreement with most research that shows it is very hard to accurately measure how many calories a person eats in a day, and secondly I thought that these results showed that the number one reason diets fail is compliance.

In other words, the more complicated and the more rigid the diet is (or the more OCE it is), the more likely it is going to fail in the long term. – People just can’t stick to these types of diets for long periods of time.

Apparently I wasn’t alone with my analysis.

In a study published in the International Journal of Obesity titled “Dietary adherence and weight loss success among overweight women: results from the A to Z weight loss study” researchers re-examined the A to Z weight loss trial to see if there was an association between the level of compliance and the amount of weight that was lost.

Guess what they found?

Astonishingly only ONE subject in the ENTIRE study followed the diet as directed for the whole 12 months. This means that every other subject was not following her assigned diet properly at some point during the research trial!

The researchers also found that adherence was significantly correlated with 12-month weight change for all three-diet groups. So the better a woman was at following her diet, the more weight she lost.

The fact that adherence was so low is very interesting considering that these women spent eight class sessions reviewing their assigned diets with a registered dietitian before they even started the diet…you can imagine what adherence must be like for someone who simply bought one of those books, read it cover to cover and then gave it a try!

The findings from this follow-up analysis also suggest that the difference in dietary macronutrients had only negligible effects on the participants weight loss success.

The bottom line is that you can generally figure out how successful a diet will be by looking at how complicated it is.

More rules = more complicated = low chance of success

Less rules = less complicated = high chance of success

In my opinion weight loss can be incredibly simple if you let it.

Find the easiest, most comfortable way to reduce the total amount of calories that you eat. The less intrusive a diet is on your lifestyle the greater chance you have of sticking to it long term.

For me, this is flexible intermittent fasting. After all if you can fast for 24 hours once, you know you will always be able to do it. Some fasts maybe harder or easier than others, but you know you can do it!

Obsessive Compulsive Eating habits that make diets complicated and difficult spell doom for long term weight loss.

10 Signs a diet suffers from OCE:

1. It contains a list of foods you can and cannot eat

2. It lists specific times of every day that you are allowed or not allowed to eat

3. It contains specific diet plans that do not take into consideration your own personal food preferences

4. It lacks flexibility

5. It focuses on macronutrients and micronutrients excessively

6. If fails to point out the importance of long term compliance

7. It requires you to pre-pack and carry certain foods with you while you travel

8. It promotes certain foods because they PROMOTE weight loss

9. Over reliance of food Journal

10. Metabolic Typing

Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over eight years experience working in the nutritional supplement industry specializing in clinical research management and new product development. Brad has completed graduate studies in nutritional sciences specializing in the use of short term fasting for weight loss.

His trademarked book Eat Stop Eat has been featured on national television and helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat without sacrificing the foods they love. For more information on Eat Stop Eat, visit Click Here

Thursday, March 19, 2009

7 Ways Fasting Can Rev Up Your Fat Burning Furnace

By line: By Brad Pilon, MS

Click Here to see Brad’s WEB-site

Flexible intermittent fasting is becoming a very popular way to use your body’s natural ability to burn lots of fat in a short period of time.

Here is a list of the ways that flexible intermittent fasting will turbo charge your fat loss.

1. Increases Fat Burning Hormones

Hormones are usually at the root of most of your metabolic functioning, and fat burning is no different. Growth Hormone is the most important fat burning hormone in your body. Fasting pushes growth hormone production into high gear and this makes your fat burning furnace start to work overtime. Fasting also decrease your insulin levels, which ensures that you burn body fat instead of storing it.

2. Increased Fat Burning Enzymes

Fat burning hormones need the help of fat burning enzymes to get their job done. Fasting will sky rocket the activity of two of the most important fat burning enzymes in your body. Adipose tissue HSL (Hormone Sensitive Lipase) is the enzyme responsible for allowing your fat cells to release fat so it can be burned as energy in your muscles. Muscle tissue LPL (Lipoprotein Lipase) is the enzyme responsible for allowing your muscle cells to take up fat so it can be burnt as a fuel. Fasting increases both of these enzymes to optimize fat burning - A perfect combination.

3. Burn More Calories

Short term fasting (12-72hrs) actually increases your metabolism and adrenaline levels. This causes you to increase calorie burning during the fast period. The more calories you burn the faster you can lose weight. The extra energy you get from the fast might actually help you through a workout or get more work done at work or around the house. When I did my first fast I was shocked at how awake and energetic I was. My fasting days are now my most productive days of the week.

4. Burn Fat Instead of Sugar

Fasting shifts your metabolism from burning blood sugar to burning mostly body fat. When you eat a meal your body likes to burn carbs first, then the fat from your food. Any extra fat that your body can’t burn in the few hours after you eat get stored as body fat. When you fast your body has no choice but to burn stored body fat. By the end of a 24 hour fast your body is burning way more fat than it would during a regular day of eating.

5. You’ll Find Out Why You Eat

The most surprising benefit people report back when they start fasting is a new found awareness of what causes them to eat. When you make a conscious decision to fast for a day your less than flattering eating motivations become painfully obvious. This is the first and most effective step to getting rid of bat habits for good. Knowing what your motivations are for poor eating choices is essential before you can change them and build better habits.

6. Builds Positive Attitudes Towards Yourself and Food

Each short fast is an accomplishment that can build self confidence and gratitude. At the end of a 24 hour fast you can feel good about your accomplishment and start feeling good about your relationship with food again. The positive empowerment from each fast builds on the last until you feel completely in control of your food choices.

7. Eat All The Foods You Love Guilt Free

Short term fasting allows you to lose weight and burn fat without restricting any of the foods you love to eat. With this style of eating you can consume any and all of the foods you like whenever you choose without feeling guilty about it and still lose weight. You will never again have to be sitting in a restaurant picking at a salad while everyone else at the tables indulges in their favorite entrée and dessert.

Eating for fat loss doesn’t need to be complicated and food should never be a source of anxiety or guilt. Mixing in a few 24 hours fasts to your week can liberate you from the dieting prison and allow you to enjoy food again.

Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over eight years experience working in the nutritional supplement industry specializing in clinical research management and new product development. Brad has completed graduate studies in nutritional sciences specializing in the use of short term fasting for weight loss.

His trademarked book Eat Stop Eat has been featured on national television and helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat without sacrificing the foods they love. For more information on Eat Stop Eat, Click Here

3 Keys to Losing Fat and Maintaining Muscle at The Same Time

By Brad Pilon, MS

Click Here to visit Brad's WEB-site

There are three main keys to losing fat and gaining muscle. If you’re missing any of these you will most likely fail in your attempts to build a lean muscular body. So what are they?

1) Eat Less Calories than you burn off

2) Resistance Training

3) Eating enough protein to maintain muscle mass

That’s as short and sweet as I can put it.

Any diet can work as long as it gets you to eat less calories than you burn off. The key is to find a diet that suits your personality and your lifestyle. If you’re like me you don’t have time to spend on diet rules and focusing on good foods and bad foods, and what to eat and what not to eat, and meal timing and all of that.

The diet that will work for you will most likely be the one with the least amount of rules, or in fact no rules at all but rather just provide a guideline or two. For me that diet is Eat Stop Eat. It is the simplest nutrition program I have ever come across. There is only one guideline, and that is to take a 24 hour break from eating once or twice per week. That’s it, simple and effective.

This type of eating program might work for you, or it might not. You just have to try it first. As long as you can find a diet you can stick with for the long term you’ll be able to lose weight, the next key it making sure all of that weight comes from fat. This is where resistance training comes in.

You have to do some form of resistance training in order to maintain and build muscle mass while you’re losing fat. If you are following an effective diet without doing resistance training you could end up losing muscle mass along the way. If this happens you could lose body weight without actually improving the look or shape of your body.

Your actual bodyweight doesn’t matter as much as your percentage of fat. If you can lose 5 pounds of fat, but gain 3 pounds of muscle you will only lose 2 pounds of bodyweight on the scale, but you’ll look 8 pounds different. Even though 2 pounds doesn’t sound like much, the difference on your body fat percentage is the key.

This is why weight training is so important while dieting. Weight training is the best way to make sure you don’t lose muscle while you diet, this helps with overall health as well as improving the overall look and shape of your body. After all when you diet the goal is to show off the lean muscle that is under the fat.

The third key to building muscle while losing fat is protein. You have to eat just enough protein to make sure your muscles can grow. This is a controversial topic that many nutrition ‘experts’ still don’t agree on. But the bottom line is protein is your friend when it comes to building muscle and especially when you’re dieting.

Mix these three key ingredients together and you’ll have a potent fat loss and muscle building program that can transform your body in no time.

Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over eight years experience working in the nutritional supplement industry specializing in clinical research management and new product development. Brad has completed graduate studies in nutritional sciences specializing in the use of short term fasting for weight loss.

His trademarked book Eat Stop Eat has been featured on national television and helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat without sacrificing the foods they love. For more information on Eat Stop Eat, visit Click Here

Find Out If Protein Guilt Is Sabotaging your Weight Loss

By Brad Pilon, MS
Click Here to visit his WEB-site

Carbohydrates and Fats have both taken their turn as the evil food that you should never eat, but protein is always the golden child that can do no wrong.

Or can it?

I think protein has been put so high on a pedestal for both weight loss and muscle gaining that you can begin to suffer from something I like to call “protein guilt”.

So what is protein guilt? Well I’ll tell you.

If you eat any food and especially EXTRA food simply because you think you need it for protein, then you have protein guilt.

I realized I had protein guilt a few years ago when I used to analyze every meal I ate for the protein content. If the meal I was eating didn’t have at least 30 grams of protein I went out of my way to eat something else to make sure I got my 30 grams.

This is a perfect example of protein guilt – I felt guilty if I didn’t eat a precise amount of protein at every meal. I couldn’t just enjoy food anymore, I could only think about the protein content because I believed protein was so important for burning fat and gaining muscle.

Now I realize that I was actually OVEREATING because I felt the need to get more protein into my body. I would drink an extra glass of milk or make sure I ordered double chicken breast when I ate salads, anything to make sure I was eating MORE protein. I was denying the fact that I was overeating just to get more protein.

And it showed around my waistline.

This is how protein guilt can sabotage your weight loss efforts, namely justifying overeating just to get more protein in your diet.

To this day I still struggle with protein guilt (I use it to justify my chocolate milk cravings) but now at least I can eat an apple without forcing myself to have some milk or chicken to bring up the protein content of that meal. Doesn’t this sound crazy?

I’m getting better for sure, but I still feel twinges of protein guilt almost every time I eat. If you’re anything like me you know exactly what I am talking about.

If you live in any modern industrialized society you most likely already eat enough protein without even thinking about it. Even though I now know better, this protein guilt still bothered me enough that I researched and wrote an entire book about protein just to ease my mind about how much protein I really needed to build muscle while losing body fat.

I know this sounds a bit extreme but this was the only way for me to get over my protein guilt. Fortunately for you I’m done writing the book and you can get the final answer about protein without having to do all the research and write your own book.

So if you want to find out how much protein you really need to build and maintain lean muscle and your fat burning metabolism, and if you want to know the TRUTH about protein supplements, post workout protein, and protein guilt, then you need to check out my new book “HOW MUCH PROTEIN”

Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over eight years experience working in the nutritional supplement industry specializing in clinical research management and new product development. Brad has completed graduate studies in nutritional sciences specializing in the use of short term fasting for weight loss.

His trademarked book Eat Stop Eat has been featured on national television and helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat without sacrificing the foods they love. For more information on Eat Stop Eat, Click Here

Top 10 Diet Rule Experiment: How To Tell If a Diet Will Work For You

By Brad Pilon, MS
Click Here to visit his Web-site

If you and I went to the local magazine stand and scanned the covers of the fitness magazines we would find dozens of ‘weight loss’ rules.

In fact we could spend the rest of the week reading magazines about the latest greatest weight loss tricks many of which may actually work for someone. But realistically there’s just no way you could actually follow ALL of them. So how do you know which ones are right for you?

The easy answer is you have to decide which rules fit best for YOUR life and then try to stick to just one or two that will make the most sense for you and have the most benefit.

This may be the first time in your life you become a scientist, and your experiment is you. Here’s what you do…

Browse any of the popular magazines, blogs, websites or anywhere you like to get fitness information. Read up on the diet and weight loss tips and tricks, these could be simple changes like not drinking calories, or a bigger philosophy like limiting the amount of carbs that you eat.

Make a top 10 list of diet strategies you’d like to try, and that sound doable to you. At this point add one new diet strategy to your life for two weeks. Record your body weight at the beginning of the two weeks and again at the end. If you haven’t lost any weight this strategy doesn’t work (for you). Discard it and move on to the next one.

This is the simplest way to tell if something will work for YOU. If the strategy you picked sounds like a good idea but seems too difficult for you to manage then it’s simply not a good fit for you in this stage of your life. If it worked for your friend but not for you that’s ok, there will be one that works just for you, this is why you make a top 10 list and try each of them, one at a time.

Let’s suppose you find one that works over a two week period and you don’t want to stop. That’s fine, just add the next one in the list, if you can handle more than one strategy at once more power to you and you’ll probably lose fat even faster. My guess is that sticking to more than one or two rules will be almost impossible, so it will be pretty easy to tell which strategy is really working.

For me the simpler the diet is the better, (which is the main premise behind Eat Stop Eat).

Even when you are following the Eat Stop Eat lifestyle you can still use the top 10-diet rule as a way to guide how you eat on your ‘eat days’.

The top 10 diet rule experiment is the fastest way to find dietary habits that work for you - after all you’ll never know until you try.

Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over eight years experience working in the nutritional supplement industry specializing in clinical research management and new product development. Brad has completed graduate studies in nutritional sciences specializing in the use of short term fasting for weight loss.

His trademarked book Eat Stop Eat has been featured on national television and helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat without sacrificing the foods they love. For more information on Eat Stop Eat, Click Here

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lifetime Fat Loss

By Mike Roussell Phd(c)

This past weekend I got to catch up with a friend (Jack) whom I hadn't seen in several months. Like most people Jack hadn't really changed in appearance since the last time we saw each other (around the 1st of the year). Jack and I talked for a while about stuff (Mario Kart for the Nintendo Wii, the increasing price of corn, how summer TV is really bad, you know the usual) then as many of my conversations seem to go Jack started asking me about nutrition and fat loss.

Basically Jack was pretty frustrated. He said that he had been dieting for "as long as I can remember" but somehow he still had 15lbs to lose. Some further interrogation (okay I wasn't interrogating my friend) Jack 'fessed up that while he was a lifetime dieter his compliance to his fat loss diet was pretty bad.

This resulted in something that I find with a lot of people. Because Jack was supposed to be "dieting" he would never feel like he could enjoy non-clean foods or foods in normal/larger quantities, so he'd feel guilty when he ate them, get discouraged, fall off the wagon, wait until Monday, and start dieting again.

This cycle would repeat week after week, month after month. The end result was Jack wasn't losing the weight he wanted and he was burnt out and discouraged because he felt like he had been dieting forever and not getting anywhere.

Have you found yourself in this situation?

Do you find yourself in this situation?

The best cure for the lifetime dieter that I have found is an all out blitz. Jack has been getting lost in 12 week fat loss programs, so shorter (and more extreme) program is better for him. I told Jack about Warp Speed Fat Loss and explained that there were a couple rules he needed to follow if he was going to do the program.

1. No Cheating - He needed to stick to the diet 100%

2. No Skipping Workouts - There are only 24 workouts so he has to do everyone

3. Completed Focused Effort - No training for a marathon, spinning classes 3x a week, etc. All his efforts needed to be focused on losing as much weight as fast as possible.

4. He Had To Let People Know - Tell people about what he was doing would put the pressure on Jack to really make the 28 days fat loss sprint work. 28 days isn't that long and if he told friends and coworkers they were sure to check in with him to see how he did (plus most people would assume that losing 15lbs in 3-4 weeks isn't possible so they would be intrigued enough to find out what happened).

He agreed that rapid weight loss was what he needed to end his lifetime of dieting, he agreed to my 4 stipulations, and he started Warp Speed Fat Loss on Monday.

Now, have you been dieting forever?

If you are tired of 12 week diets and just want to get the weight off and get it over with then check out the complete rapid weight loss system I put together with expert trainer Alwyn Cosgrove here.

But you need to agree to the above 4 rules too.

The time to end a lifetime of dieting is now and you deserve to be in the best shape of your life.

Let's make that happen together.

About the Author/More Info:

Warp Speed Fat Loss is a complete 28 day diet and training system crafted to help you lose 10,15, or 20lbs of body fat in just 28 day. To start losing weight fast click here . Mike Roussell is a nutrition doctoral student at the University of Pennsylvania. Mikeт��s writings can be found in magazines such as Menт��s Health, Menт��s Fitness, and Testosterone Nation. Mike specializes in fat loss nutrition and diets for busy men and women who need to lose weight fast without it interfering with their lives. Warp Speed Fat Loss (Click Here) is a complete Done-for-You A-Z Fat Loss Blueprint that gives you exactly everything you need to eat to lose weight in record time.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Speed Eating and Fat Loss: Diet Advice Your Mom Was Right About All Along

By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS

A new study just published in a recent issue of the journal Obesity has revealed that thin people eat very differently than heavy people at all-you-can-eat buffet restaurants.

Researcher Brian Wansink and his team from the Cornell University Food and Brand Laboratory observed diners at 11 different Chinese buffet restaurants across the United States.

Their goal was to find out whether the eating behaviors of people at all-you-can-eat buffets varied based on their body mass.

Trained observers recorded the height, weight, gender, age, and behavior of 213 patrons. The various seating, serving and eating behaviors were then compared across BMI levels.

The heavier (higher BMI) patrons:

  • ate more quickly
  • chewed more food per bite
  • used forks
  • sat facing the food buffet
The thin (lower BMI) patrons:

  • ate more slowly
  • chewed less food per bite
  • used chopsticks
  • sat facing away from the food buffet

This study confirms earlier research from the University of Rhode Island published in the journal of the American Dietetic Association which found that eating slowly leads to decreases in energy intake.

Scientists even have a name for this now:


Time-Energy Displacement means that the more time you take to eat, the less energy (calories) you are likely to consume. The faster you eat, the more energy (calories) you’re likely to consume.

But wait, there’s even more! A study from the University of Alabama looked at satiety (how full a food makes you feel), energy density (calories per unit of volume) and eating time of various foods. To maximize the effects of Time-Energy Displacement, it was found even more advantageous to choose foods that FORCE you to ingest calories more slowly.

This includes choosing more:

Foods that have a high satiety factor such as high fiber and high water foods (so you feel fuller more quickly):

  • Peas
  • Red beans
  • Raspberries
  • Broccoli
  • Green beans
  • Chick Peas

Foods with a high “chew factor” (so you can’t eat them fast if you tried; you have to chew them thoroughly):

  • Lean meats such as top round, lean sirloin
  • Celery
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Peaches
Foods with a low energy density such as salad vegetables and greens (so you’d get tired of eating before you took in a lot of calories):
  • Tomatoes
  • Artichoke
  • Cucumber
  • Salad Greens
  • Cabbage
  • Okra

These results also confirm all the studies that have been advising us not to drink our calories. Liquid calories, especially soft drinks and dessert coffees are two of the biggest sources of excess calories in the typical American’s diet.

The problem: calories in liquid form can have a very high caloric density and can be consumed very quickly. Liquid calories also do not activate the satiety mechanism in your brain and gastrointestinal tract the way solid food does.

"Don't inhale your food" used to be an admonishment about proper eating etiquette you heard from your mom. It is now scientifically-proven fat loss advice.

To learn more research-proven tips for burning fat, visit the “Burn The Fat” website at

Train hard and expect success,

Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS
Fat Loss Coach

About the Author:

Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder, certified personal trainer and freelance fitness writer. Tom is the author of "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle,” which teaches you how to get lean without drugs or supplements using secrets of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and increase your metabolism by visiting: